1) On page one of today’s East Bay Times this morning, an easy math problem: CA has an estimated 1,440 doses of Remdesivir left until mid-June, when the next batch will be delivered. (Remdesivir is the only known effective COVID-19 treatment.) An average of 1,800 new COVID-19 cases are diagnosed every day in CA. Do the math: a COVID spike forces healthcare practioners to choose who gets life-saving medication. 2) The cover of last week’s Economist leads to a key observation on page 7: even with April’s 17% drop in global greenhouse-gas emissions attributable to changes in the way we work (that include the elimination of a lot of work as we’ve known it), the world needs to score another 90% of the necessary de-carbonization required to get on track with a 1.5^C limit in global temperature increases - in line with an agressive Paris climate comitment. The climate crisis is already meting out catastrophe disproportionately to poor people, and sparing those disproportionately responsible for the crisis (Americans) from the very worst impacts. The fast-paced doom of COVID and the sneakier utter doom of climate catastrophe demand simple solutions from governments and companies. Protect lives. Green the recovery. Institutionalize remote work now, keeping more people safe for longer and buying us time to implement the right COVID solutions wisely. https://www.economist.com/leaders/2020/05/21/countries-should-seize-the-moment-to-flatten-the-climate-curve